Special Emphasis
The Higher Learning Commission provides the opportunity for mature institutions to opt for a self-study process that focuses in-depth attention on an issue critical to significant advancement and improvement in the realization of its mission and vision. In 2008, ISU successfully submitted a proposal to the NCA to participate in a special emphasis study that focuses on the University continuing to be among the nation's most recognized institutions for its work in experiential learning and community engagement.
The special emphasis will focus community engagement and experiential learning as related to eight institutional factors:
- Mission
- Leadership
- Promotion, tenure, and hiring
- Organization, structure, and funding
- Student involvement and curriculum
- Faculty involvement
- Curriculum involvement
- External communications and fundraising.
The special emphasis self-study coincides with the development of the ISU Strategic Plan.
A list of committee members is now available. Click the "Committee Members" link under Committee Structure in the navigation menu to the left.
- Special Emphasis Agreement
- Special Emphasis Talking Points
- Special Emphasis Power Point Presentation
- Special Emphasis Charges
- Special Emphasis Planning Questions
- Community Engagement & Experiential Learning Definitions
- Levels of Commitment to Community Engagement, Characterized by Key Organizational Factors Evidencing Relevance to Institutional Mission